Speeches which were not on the orders of the Day

Cycles Number of speeches before orders of the day Number of speeches after orders of the day
govern- mental parties opposi- tion parties* govern- ment national minority member/national minority advocates total** govern- mental parties opposi- tion parties* govern- ment national minority member/national minority advocates total**
1990-1994*** 566 575 146 - 1287 - - - - -
1994-1998 211 1029 68 - 1308 52 164 0 - 216
1998-2002 361 383 29 - 774 230 280 0 - 510
2002-2006 421 476 103 - 1001 24 415 0   439
2006-2010 292 670 63 - 1027 45 138 1 - 184
2010-2014 490 743 49 - 1284 145 337 0 - 482
2014-2018 386 588 27 6 1008 92 811 0 18 921
2018-2022 336 865 26 24 1251 160 902 0 14 1076

* As opposition speeches, the independent MP's speeches are not part of the agenda.
**From 17 July 1997 (Res. No. 71/1997) the president of the republic is also allowed to speak outside of the agenda in extraordinary cases. That is why the president's speeches are also in the Total column.
***Before 30 September 1994 the Standing orders hadn't allowed speaking after the agenda.

The president of the republic, the prime minister, members of government, and leaders of the parliamentary groups can speak before the orders of the day in cases that are not part of the agenda and has national importance.